The Cross Dressing Guide - the Authority on male feminization

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What is Cross Dressing

Cross dressing is the act of wearing clothes that are usually worn by the opposite sex. The things that people of each sex wears around the world are different from other places. For instance in Scotland men typically wear kilts which look like skirts. The cross dresser is a person that enjoys expressing a different aspect of his or her personality and benefits physically and emotionally.

Cross dressing is becoming increasingly popular these days, especially among men. If anybody, a man in particular, chooses to cross dress and look sexy and have the appearance of a natural woman, he should learn the basics of cross dressing.

Cross dressing is a very common activity. Men typically don't talk about it much because if he does it, he may be considered a fag, queer, exc. If women do it, its either ok or the public may consider her "butch" It is a natural thing to do. It is true that society permits women to wear pants and jeans and other masculine clothing such as white tank tops, while condemning any man that chooses to wear clothing worn by women.

It is true that society permits women to wear pants and jeans and other masculine clothing such as white tank tops, while condemning any man that chooses to wear clothing worn by women.

Depending upon how one chooses to cross dress, it is similar and different from the usual at the same time. It does not need to be threatening or a total turn off. It is a behavior that runs counter to the norms of society and could be seen as a type of transgender behavior. It is not necessarily a transgender identity since a person that cross dresses may not always identify with the opposite sex.

Cross dressing is also referred to as drag and has been associated with theater for centuries. In Shakespeare's England, women were not permitted to appear on stage as a result the female roles were played by men dressed in women's costume.

Dressing in the clothing of the opposite sex is a practice dating back into the ages. Cross dressing can occur only in cultures where the sexes wear distinctively different fashions.

The actual amount of people in society that participate in cross dressing is difficult to determine. Social norms have the tendency to change over time. It is rare for women in modern Western societies to cross dress.

Cross dressing is practiced more frequently by men as opposed to women. They feel that dressing as a woman allows them the ability to express a hidden side of their personalities. They could also get in touch with their feminine side to complete their identities. Statistically 7% of the male population participates in cross dressing. It crosses all types of professional, social and psychological barriers.

Do you want to be totally accepted as a woman when you go out? Learn how to cross-dress and pass as a genetic female. You could search all over the internet for this information but you will find this information all in one place. This guide is available at

There are over 100 pages of information you need to create your own female image.

Jamie Young has compiled the most in-depth cross dressing information available anywhere. And she spent years putting together this ebook that gives you everything you need to create your own female image and female persona -- in just a few short days! The cross dressing guide has over thousands of dollars of information -- professional make-up skills, various male to female transformation techniques, disguise methods, psychological tricks and more.

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